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  • Win/win pay reviews
    A structured pay review process with evidence-based decision making and transparent communication helps to create a sense of fairness.
    Posted: Friday 8 March 2024
  • Employment law update
    An up to date employment agreement that protects the interests of your business is a key HR document. Keep up to date with employment law changes to make sure you have a compliant agreement.
    Posted: Tuesday 9 January 2024
  • How to discuss performance problems with employees
    It's challenging to address performance problems but following these 5 steps will help you to master the process.
    Posted: Thursday 28 September 2023
  • Is intuition useful for recruitment?
    Relying too much on "gut feeling" to hire staff can lead to costly mistakes.
    Posted: Sunday 3 September 2023
  • How to set goals for your employees
    Setting clear, measurable goals gets people focused on results and improves productivity.
    Posted: Friday 7 July 2023
  • How to make flexible working arrangements work
    With more employees demanding flexible working arrangements, how can employers overcome challenges to get the best out of a flexi workforce?
    Posted: Thursday 18 May 2023
  • Driving high performance in SME's
    Driving high performance in SME's means getting the essential steps of best-practice people management right to create a competitive advantage through people.
    Posted: Thursday 9 February 2023
  • Plain language gets results
    Plain language adds value to people management because it gets everyone on the same page. Find out what plain language means and how you can become a plain language communicator.
    Posted: Monday 28 November 2022
  • Workplace wellbeing
    Employees expect employers to look after their workplace wellbeing and businesses benefit from looking after their people. Workplace wellbeing programmes are no longer just a "nice to have" for large corporates. Small businesses can reap the benefits of wise, targeted investment in wellbeing.
    Posted: Monday 21 November 2022
  • How SME's can become an employer of choice
    In a tight labour market competition for staff is fierce. Many small businesses are struggling to find people or are having their staff head-hunted. Your reputation as an employer can make a difference and there are simple steps that you can take to make your business more attractive to employees.
    Posted: Monday 14 November 2022
  • Best practice recruitment
    Careful and thorough recruitment is essential in building your "dream team" and creating a high-performance culture.
    Posted: Monday 29 August 2022
  • HR strategy for a competitive advantage
    A clear and comprehensive HR strategy is the best way to create a business culture that attracts and retains talented people and creates high performance.
    Posted: Monday 1 August 2022
  • Communicate to motivate
    Effective communication with your teams can have a significant impact on keeping people engaged in their work and focussed on the right priorities to support the success of your business
    Posted: Wednesday 2 February 2022
  • Psychometric testing
    An effective psychometric assessment tool can add significant value to recruitment and induction processes, helping to avoid costly hiring mistakes and giving managers tools to tailor their training and management style to get the best out of new team members.
    Posted: Wednesday 26 January 2022
  • Coaching for performance
    The use of coaching to enhance performance in organisations has grown significantly in the past 20 years. An article published in the Journal of Positive Psychology reports on a study to determine whether coaching works.
    Posted: Monday 1 November 2021

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Our articles provide regular updates to clients on best practice strategies to find, manage and retain people to achieve business goals.
Please contact us if you would like information on other topics relating to building a dream team for your business.

The contents of these articles are intended to be general advice and updates on employment related matters.  This information does not constitute specialist advice and should not be relied upon as such.  Clients should seek specialist advice regarding particular matters.